2025 Summer Housing Assistant
- Bedroom in a two-bedroom apartment in Panther Village for the duration of employment
- SHAs are required to live in an assigned room on-campus for the duration of their employment
- SHAs have the option to pull in a fellow UNI student of their choosing if they would like someone to live in the second bedroom of this apartment
- $2500 Stipend
- Meals provided when the dining center is open for conferences and guests
- Opportunity to work additional desk shifts for ($10/hour) after 20 hours per week as an SHA have been completed
Appointment Period & Commitments
- Sunday, May 18, 2025 @ Noon through Monday, August 4, 2025 @ 6pm
- Additional training dates in April - paid hourly $10.00/hour
(specifics will be determined after team is hired)
- The number of hours worked per week vary greatly. SHAs should plan to work 20 hours per week in addition to serving on-call overnight. Advance notice will be provided for weeks where more than 20 hours of work will be needed.
- SHAs may be required to work weekends and holidays (including Memorial Day & 4th of July)
- SHAs will be allotted up to 8 days of time-off during employment, only half of the SHA staff may take the night away at any time in order to maintain adequate staffing coverage.
- SHAs will not be permitted to take days away from June 7-14 and July 12-26
- Additional summer employment is limited to 20 hours/week and must not interfere with SHA responsibilities. SHAs will not be permitted to attend other jobs while serving on-call.
Job Responsibilities
- Overseeing the summer conference housing program and associated duties
- Preparing for and facilitate check-ins and check-outs for conference groups
- Serving overnight as on-call person in facilities on a rotating basis
- SHAs will be provided a private room when serving on-call in residence halls other than Panther Village
- Working at residence hall desks, serving as a resource for our conference guests as needed
- Completing additional administrative tasks as required for individual camp completion
- Providing housing assistance and resources for additional campus residents, including UNI students enrolled in summer classes and families in attendance for orientation programs
- Performing administrative duties, including staffing hall office hours
- Assisting in preparing residence halls for Fall Opening
- Other responsibilities as assigned by Residence Life Coordinators and Housing Professional Staff
Minimum Qualifications
- Enrolled as a UNI student for Spring 2025 and Fall 2025
- Minimum 2.25 cumulative and semester UNI GPA
- In good behavioral, academic, and financial standing with the university
- Outstanding skills in
- Verbal and written communication
- Crisis & risk management
- Advanced problem solving
- Customer service and ability to interact positively with residents and conference guests
- Preference will be given to applicants with previous experience with University Housing (RA, AA, DA, SHA, SDA)